Interview an author with Author Sharon Marchisello!

It is such a pleasure to welcome a fellow author to Interview an Author on Today, please help me welcome talented author, Sharon Marchisello!

Thank you so much, Sharon, for coming today to share a little bit about yourself and your lovely books. I am excited to have you here! The floor is yours!

Sharon Marchisello

When did you know that you wanted to be an author?
Before I could even write the alphabet, I told myself stories when I couldn’t fall asleep at night. My parents, friends, and teachers encouraged me. Not only did I do well with writing assignments in school, but I also wrote stories as a hobby. I guess I’ve always wanted to be an author.

jjspina: That is wonderful, Sharon. Not many people find what they love to do in life so early.

What process do you need in order to write?
My process has changed over the years. I used to write in pencil on notebook paper. It was handy because I could write anywhere: outside, on an airplane, in bed, curled up in an armchair. But it was hard to read my handwriting, especially when I wanted to move text around or insert multiple paragraphs. Once I finished a draft, I’d type it up; after it was typed, I was reluctant to make any changes that would throw off the pagination.Word processing and computers changed all that, making revision much easier. (And it’s a lot easier to read what I’ve written.) Now I mostly write at my desk. I work best first thing in the morning, but I can write at any time of day if I’m on a roll. Having the internet is great for research and looking up words, but it’s also a terrible distraction.

Jjspina: I agree having computers have made our lives easier for writers but there are a lot of distractions on the internet.

What projects are you currently working on?
I’m currently writing a sequel to Secrets of the Galapagos. It’s called Murder at Leisure Dreams – Galapagos, and it takes place at a luxury hotel in the islands, where a VIP guest is poisoned. I’m also working on a cozy mystery which I hope will be the first in a series involving animal rescue. It’s called Trap, Neuter, Die; the protagonist is sentenced to community service doing TNVR (trap/neuter/vaccinate/return) for feral cats with a rescue group, and she discovers a dead body (human) her first night on duty.

Jjspina: This sounds interesting, Sharon. I look forward to reading the first book.

What hobbies do you have when you are not writing? I love to travel, although I haven’t done much of that in the past two years, thanks to Covid. But before 2020, I visited over 100 countries, and my husband and I have been on 68 cruises.I also love to read. (For a writer, that goes without saying.) And I love animals. I’ve been a volunteer for the Fayette Humane Society for many years: fostering cats, working adoption events and fundraisers, handling grant writing, and serving on the Board of Directors. My husband and I also do volunteer work with the Fayette County Master Gardeners, although you wouldn’t know we were Master Gardeners by looking at our yard.

Jjspina: You certainly have a lot on your plate with all the traveling you did in the past and the interests you have with animals and gardening.

What is your target audience for your book? My novels Going Home and Secrets of the Galapagos are mysteries for the adult market. I thought Going Home would be considered women’s fiction, but I’ve talked to a lot of men who really enjoyed it. It was inspired by my mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease, and when I wrote it, I didn’t realize Alzheimer’s was so prevalent. But many readers have told me they could really relate to the “mother” character, because they, too, lost someone to Alzheimer’s disease. Secrets of the Galapagos is more action/adventure as well as having a mystery to solve, and it takes place in an exotic location. During the pandemic, it seems to resonate with readers who miss travel. Live Well, Grow Wealth, my nonfiction book, is personal finance 101 geared toward young readers just starting their careers, before they’ve made too many devastating financial mistakes. However, it’s also useful for anyone who’s trying to get back on track financially, or just do a better job making the most of their money.

Jjspina: I think the adult audience will enjoy your books.

Please share your books with us and a synopsis of each.
Secrets of the Galapagos (Milford House, 2019)

One minute, Giovanna’s new friend Laurel was snorkeling beside her, marveling at the unique wildlife in the Galapagos. Now she’s gone. No one on the luxury cruise ship will acknowledge Laurel is no longer on board. And what does Laurel know about an endangered tortoise that no one wants her to share? Giovanna and her grandmother suspect a cover-up. But Giovanna has secrets of her own that involve a conman who destroyed her life back home, and her quest for revenge might get her killed. 

Going Home: (Sunbury Press, 2014)

On a routine visit home, Michelle DePalma finds her elderly mother hovering over the bludgeoned body of her caregiver. Her mother can’t give a straight answer about what happened, and since she was alone in the house, she becomes a suspect. The agency that provides home care withdraws its services. Michelle is stuck in her hometown longer than planned, caring for a mother with whom she has never been close, and trying to prove her innocence. The police officers investigating the crime turn out to be old enemies from the playground. A secret thought to be long buried—that Michelle bore a son out of wedlock and gave him up for adoption—surfaces when a long-lost daughter-in-law and granddaughter show up, distracting Michelle from her quest to solve the murder. Relationships past and present collide, but each supplies a piece of the puzzle for this amateur sleuth. 

jjspina: Sounds like a fascinating book which I will be reading soon.

What advice would you give prospective authors?
Don’t give up; if you keep writing regularly, you’ll eventually get better. Allow yourself to write badly, and then work on your craft to improve the next draft. Read, take classes. Join a critique group and listen to all feedback. You don’t have to follow it all, but learn to sort through it and apply what works. Also, don’t expect to get rich from your writing; it helps to have another means of support. 
Hope this is what you’re looking for. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Happy New Year, Sharon Marchisello.

Jjspina: Sounds like good advice to me, Sharon.

Purchase links: ( Social Media Links:

Here are Sharon’s links:

Below are links to my website, publications, and social media: (

Here is my review of Sharon Marchisello’s book, Secrets of Palapagos:

Secrets of the Galapagos is like being on a trip and seeing all the sights of the Galapagos in this enjoyable mystery without leaving home.

The author takes the reader on an adventure with mystery, suspense and danger at every turn for the main protagonist, Giovanna Rogers. She intertwines some romance, intrigue, and murder. She catalogs the list of endangered species there with some fascinating information about turtles which I enjoyed. Giovanna has not gotten over losing her business and her fiancé because of a con artist. This trip may give her a chance to get even with this con artist who is also on his way to the Galapagos.

Even though I have never visited the Galapagos I felt as if I were there. The characters were varied and interesting keeping this reader engaged until the satisfying conclusion. I would recommend this story for all who enjoy learning about fascinating places along with an enjoyable mystery.

The author gifted me a copy of this book which I chose to review without compensation.

Thank you so much, Sharon, for coming today. It was so nice to learn more about you and your intriguing books. Please feel free to come back again when you have a new book or project you would like to share with me and my readers.

Thank you, readers, for stopping by to read this post. Please check out Sharon’s wonderful books at her links above. Please don’t forget to review books you purchase. Sharing your reviews is one way to spread information about books you love. Thank you for your kind support!

Blessings & Hugs! Stay Safe, Stay Well and God Bless!


Janice Spina aka J.E. Spina

Award-Winning Author

Jemsbooks for All Ages!







About jjspina

Janice is a multi-award-winning author with 45 books: 22 children's books for PS-Gr 4, 12 middle-grade/preteen, two young adult books, all written by Janice Spina, and eight novels, and a short story collection written by J.E. Spina. She is also a writer of poetry, blogger, avid reader, reviewer, copy editor and supporter of her fellow authors. Janice has always loved writing and started young writing poetry, then stories. Her books have received 40 Book Awards and a few finalists awards. All Janice's books are available on, Kindle, B&N and other online book sites. Her hobbies are crocheting, sewing, walking to keep fit, hula hooping, tap dancing, going to dinner with her husband, and spending time with friends. Janice loves to hear from readers and appreciates reviews. Sign up on her blog for updates of her books. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband who is her illustrator and cover creator.
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52 Responses to Interview an author with Author Sharon Marchisello!

  1. Nice to meet and get to know Sharon!

  2. Jan Sikes says:

    What a fabulous interview with Sharon. I totally relate to the love for travel, although I haven’t come close to 100 countries. Thank you for hosting, Janice, and best wishes to Sharon!

  3. Darlene says:

    It was great to learn more about Sharon and her books.

  4. Reblogged this on Sharon Marchisello and commented:
    Thanks so much to Janice Spina for interviewing me on her blog today!

  5. Janice, thanks so much for hosting me today, and especially for reviewing Secrets of the Galapagos. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  6. A lovely review and wonderful to see the ever generous Sharon in the spotlight.. thanks both of you ♥

  7. Jane Risdon says:

    Wow, this has been so interesting, thanks for introducing Sharon. Wishing her continued success.

  8. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Weekly – February 20th 2022 – #Interview Marcia Meara and D.Wallace Peach, #Interview Janice Spina and Sharon Marchisello, #Review Noelle Granger, #Anniversary Jane Risdon, #Family Robbie Cheadle, #Tuna New Vintage Kitchen

  9. olganm says:

    Great interview, Janice. It was great to learn more about Sharon, her writing process (I used to hate having to make changes to a typed manuscript as well!), and her hobbies and trips. And thanks for sharing a review as well. I’ll check all her books out!

  10. Hi Sharon, it is interesting to learn more about you and your writing. It is great that you started telling stories so young. I used to make up elaborate games with a storyline although I’ve never really thought about that until right now. Thanks for hosting Sharon, Janice. I really enjoyed Secrets of the Galapagos and am interested in the sequel.

  11. I enjoyed learning more about Sharon, Janice, how she came to write, her process, and what’s in the works. A wonderful, informative interview. Happy Writing!

  12. Thanks for introducing Sharon, and her wonderful books. Now, after i have heared about the new project with the follow up for the “Secrets of the Galapagos” i have to hurry finishing, to be prepared for the next one. Best wishes from the slowest reader on earth. 😉 xx Michael

  13. dgkaye says:

    Fantastic learning more about Sharon here today Janice. It’s always fun learning more about our fellow writers. Hugs ❤

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