Interview with Author Seumas Gallacher!

Seumas Gallacher
Seumas Gallacher

Please welcome, author/blogger extraordinaire, Seumas Gallacher. Hi Seumas! So nice to have you here on my blog segment, Interview an Author! I am excited to learn more you about and yours books. I must say that I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. They give me a good chuckle. Let’s begin your interview, shall we?

  1. Please tell us something about yourself.

Self-confessed nutter, flirting constantly with the thin line between insanity and whatever else is available… latecomer to the incredible world of writing, and LUVVIN every minute of it… after a career covering five decades and three continents, immersed in Finance and Banking, then corporate trouble-shooting, I still haven’t decided what I wanna be when I grow up… so meantime, being an Author it is…

 2. When did you know that you wanted to be an author?

In real terms about seven years ago, when I felt urged to write ‘that book’ we all supposedly have in us, and every seven minutes since…

3. What process do you need in order to write?

A laptop that lights up when I switch it on… a brain box that hopefully does the same… and from sum’where… anywhere… the gift of imagination… that’s all…

4. Please share the theme of your books with us…

The Jack Calder series is populated with former British Special Forces officers (the SAS) who set up their own specialist security firm, looking after high-value shipments and personnel, and who are able to deploy their black ops experience in combatting international crime lords, drug barons, people traffickers, cash launderers…

5. How do you come up with ideas for your stories?

The 24/7 cable news channels are full of material… merely change the names to protect the guilty… add in a lifetime of living abroad in different countries and their cultures… remembered mental snapshots of personalities and cameos of incidents… mix well with the aforementioned imagination… and presto… stories…

6. What projects are you currently working on?

Current work-in-progress on the fifth in the series, DEADLY IMPASSE…

7. What do you expect to accomplish in 2015?

Primarily, keep on breathing, enjoy being alive, and continue scribbling…

8. What hobbies do you have when you are not writing?

Television couch potato when English Premier League football matches are showing live… singing for my own pleasure, as it’s certainly unlikely to enchant anyone else… and involvement on the SOSYAL NETWURKS, where great pals abound…

jjspina: That is how we met, Seumas! I remember the day……

9. What is your target audience for your book?

Emb’dy who likes crime thrillers, and with no false modesty, those who appreciate when an Author’s put a ton of thought into his/her wee masterpieces…

wallpaper 2

10. Please share your links and where to purchase your books.

Violin Man (Seumas)






Vengeance Wore Black (Seumas)






Savage Payback (Seumas)






Killer City (Seumas)






11. What advice would you give prospective authors?

Don’t be an aspiring author… if you write at all, you are an author

Don’t spam

Don’t ever, ever give up

Don’t write for emb’dy else except yerself

12. Is there anything else you would like to share?

 Yes… wanna say thanks to you, Janice for allowing this ol’ tramp to invade these pages… see yeez later… LUV YEEZ

Thank you, Seumas, for coming today and sharing your work with my readers and me. It was a sincere pleasure, me lad!

Thank you, readers, for stopping by to read about this fascinating and funny man. I read Seumas’ book, Savage Payback, recently and enjoyed it thoroughly.  Here is my review on Amazon and Goodreads. Please check out this creative author’s books on links above.

Action and Adventure Abound in this Thriller! 5 Stars!!

by Janice Spina

Savage Payback is the third book in his thriller and the first book I read of the series. Even though I did not know the background of the characters I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Savage Payback is chock full of suspense, action and thrills. Jack Calder is the main protagonist who runs his own specialty security firm, ISP. From page one the reader is drawn into a collection of jewelry heists that cause horrendous casualties. Jack is now up against three foes, a black ops explosive expert, a dangerous drug baron from Eastern Europe, and a major cocaine trafficker from South America. When Jack’s wife, Mai-Ling, gets seriously injured he begins to take this affront on as a vendetta and pursues these men with rage in his heart.

Savage Payback is an exciting book that I couldn’t put down. I look forward to more from this talented author.

Remember: Reading Gives You Wings to Fly!

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17 Responses to Interview with Author Seumas Gallacher!

  1. …you’ve done me proud, m’Lady… many thanks …mwaaah 🙂

    • jjspina says:

      You are welcome, Seumas! It was a pleasure to have to interview you! Blessings & Hugs, me lad! You are now a member of the Jemsbooks Blog family. Please come back again with new books or just to have a spot of tea!

  2. Pingback: Interview with Author Seumas Gallacher! | Seumas Gallacher

  3. stevetanham says:

    Loved this. Especially the advice to “write for yourself”. Takes a brave deep breath, but the difference in energy that results is profound. Thank you for a great interview.

  4. mihrank says:

    well done – such proud and honor…great work!!

  5. olganm says:

    What a fantastic guest, Janice!

  6. Hi Janice. Thanks for this delightful interview with Seumas. He never fails to charm. Hugs to you both!

  7. Pingback: “Stolen/ reblogged” this interview with that funny scary Scottish man Seumas Gallacher – always a laugh and pretty decent books if I may say so – Interview with Author Seumas Gallacher! | writerchristophfischer

  8. Pingback: “Stolen/ reblogged” this interview with that funny scary Scottish man Seumas Gallacher – always a laugh and pretty decent books if I may say so – Interview with Author Seumas Gallacher! | writerchristophfischer

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