Interview with Author Jaye C. Blakemore!

Jaye C Blakemore

Please help me welcome author Jaye C. Blakemore to Interview an Author on Jemsbooks Blog. Thank you, Jaye, for coming today to share your book with my readers and me.

  • Please tell us a little about yourself and how you first became interested in writing?

I had never in a million years thought about writing a book. I was traveling for a living and started writing a story that came to me one night while I was trying to go to sleep. The story then became 95,000 words. I had my book on a thumb drive that went into my desk drawer for several months, while I started my next writing yet another book.

  • What inspires you to write? 

I only write at night while the whole world sleeps my pin seems to come to life. The story somehow picks me.

  • Please share your book/books with us and a synopsis of one or more. 

Double Identity is the book I just had published. This is a fiction novel about twins separated at the age of three. Gillian and Julianne both find romance and still concur deceit, murder and seek revenge.

Double Indemnity JC Blakemore

  • Which one is your favorite and why? 

I truly love Double Identity, once I finished writing I was kind of sad. I became so connected with everyone in my novel, almost like making new best friends.

  • Where do you prefer to write?

I keep my computer downstairs in my office, and if something comes in the middle of the night I do go write but I try to keep it from consuming my whole life. With music or without? I can only write in the peace and quiet.

  • What do you like to do in your spare time, when you have it? 

I have two poodles. Boy and Girl are like having 2 small children. We try and go to the park or walks daily, they need out as much as I do. I love being outdoors.

  • What is your favorite genre? Do you write in multiple genres? 

I do write in multiple genres. I love romance but a good old fashioned murder and mystery is always a good twist.

I have always love reading romance and mysteries but I get scared if they are too scary.

  • What is your target audience?

I think men and women 45+ that like a love story that may not always go smoothly.

  • Please share your latest project or next one?

I have been working on a book that also has a twist and yes another murder mystery.

  • Can you give new writers/authors any advice?  

Social media is a must. It’s easy to pay someone to get your social media up and running, however I firmly believe for me, getting my social presents out was rewarding and people need to know you before buying a book. I have so enjoyed making new friends along the way.

  • Is there anything else you would like to share?

Do not be someone that says I should write a book, just do it and say I wrote a book, if for no one else but yourself.

  • Please share your links to purchase and social links to contact you.



It was a sincere pleasure to have you on my blog, Jaye. I look forward to reading your book, Double Indemnity, soon. Please keep in touch. You are now a member of the Jemsbooks family! I wish you all the best with your book and future writing!

Thank you, readers, for stopping by to read about this fascinating author. Please go to her links and check out her intriguing book. Reviews are appreciated by all authors!

Addendum: Here is my review of Double Indemnity on Amazon.

A Great Romantic Suspenceful Thriller of a Read! 5 Stars!

Double Indemnity kept me in suspense until the last chapter. Loved the ending especially! The story was chock full of mystery, romance, intrigue and surprises that made for a thoroughly enjoyable read. There were multiple stories going on with a myriad of characters that could have been more than one book. I liked the way the author created the twins alike in some ways but completely opposite in others.

This author did a commendable job with the storyline and made this reader a fan. I am an author of different genres including mystery thriller and look forward to more from this creative writer. I was given this book in exchange for an honest review. I highly recommend this book.




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3 Responses to Interview with Author Jaye C. Blakemore!

  1. Great interview and good to learn more about Jaye.. thanks Janice.. hugs

  2. Wonderful interview. Nice to meet you, Jaye.

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