New Novel – LUBELIA ALYCEA is now here!

I am excited to announce my newest novel – a historical/romance is now available on Kindle and soon in paperback on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

The beautiful cover was designed by my husband, John. It is a photo from a trip we took to Madeira, Portugal in 2018. It is a gorgeous island, lush and green.


Lubelia Alycea leaves her native country of Madeira, Portugal to travel to her new home – America.

This is the story of how a strong, resilient young girl grows into a formidable woman. She must survive many tragedies in her lifetime, separation from family, sickness, death, betrayal, and a lost love. Will she find happiness and a new love in her life?

Will she be strong enough to face the storms ahead and still keep her family together? Will the secrets in her life destroy her and all that she holds dear?

I wrote this book in memory of my Avoa (grandmother in Portuguese). It is a work of fiction but some of it is based on my grandmother’s personality and life. Let me explain. The things that are true are: she lived to be 100 and five months, she was cantankerous, strong and stubborn, she had a twin brother and and older brother, got her license in her forties, and traveled to Brazil to visit her twin. I built around these things to create a fictional historical romance that I am sure Avoa would have enjoyed.

Outside of these events in her life the rest of the story is purely from my overwrought imagination. I am sure my family will recognize some of the characters. I may have used some of them as a guide for my characters but changed names and situations to protect the innocent. Ha! I had fun embellishing and creating scenarios from these ideas that I thought would be interesting to my readers. Some of the places in the story are real and some are not.

I think all authors use some of the character traits of people they know or have met in passing in their stories. Authors out there – have you done this? I want everyone to know that if you find yourself or something similar to your personality in one of my books – that is a supreme compliment.

Watch for Lubelia Alycea One Hundred Years in paperback soon. I have run into a snag with my computer or it could be with KDP in publishing it. I may have to call them to get some assistance. I promise to add the link to purchase it here soon.

I hope you enjoy reading this historical/romance as much as I enjoyed writing it. It brought my Avoa closer to me once again. I think she was looking over my shoulder as I was writing. At times I had to change things up a bit because I felt her poking and prodding me to do that. Sigh! Ha! You would agree with that if you had known my grandmother! Everyone had to listen to her or else. My poor grandfather had his work cut for him with her. Ha!

Blessings & Hugs! Stay Safe, Stay Well and God Bless!


Janice Spina aka J.E. Spina

Award-Winning Author

Jemsbooks for All Ages!







About jjspina

Janice is a multi-award-winning author with 45 books: 22 children's books for PS-Gr 4, 12 middle-grade/preteen, two young adult books, all written by Janice Spina, and eight novels, and a short story collection written by J.E. Spina. She is also a writer of poetry, blogger, avid reader, reviewer, copy editor and supporter of her fellow authors. Janice has always loved writing and started young writing poetry, then stories. Her books have received 40 Book Awards and a few finalists awards. All Janice's books are available on, Kindle, B&N and other online book sites. Her hobbies are crocheting, sewing, walking to keep fit, hula hooping, tap dancing, going to dinner with her husband, and spending time with friends. Janice loves to hear from readers and appreciates reviews. Sign up on her blog for updates of her books. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband who is her illustrator and cover creator.
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13 Responses to New Novel – LUBELIA ALYCEA is now here!

  1. noelleg44 says:

    Congratulations, Janice. You are certain to have a winner!

  2. Looks wonderful; good luck on your new publication, Janice!

  3. dgkaye says:

    Congrats to you Janice. I will look forward to reading. ❤

  4. macjam47 says:

    Reblogged this on BOOK CHAT and commented:

    Introducing Janice Spina’s new novel, Lubelia Alycea: One Hundred Years, a historical romance.

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