Happy Father’s Day!

Here is a post for Father’s Day that I posted in 2020! It says all that I feel for my dad. I pray that all fathers out there had a wonderful day and were treated like kings.


This is my special dad!


Dad, you were a special man!

You were always there to lend a hand.

You treated us with kindness.

You were always fair.

You showed us how much you cared.

You wore a happy smile upon your handsome face.

And taught us how to appreciate God’s grace.

You made our lives so full and rich.

Teaching us to be good was your main pitch.

You would tease and joke.

While always a cigarette at your lips you would smoke.

You were talented with your hands.

Fixing and creating things on command.

You thought of others before yourself.

Your own troubles you put away on a shelf.

You left this world for a better place.

Leaving here on Earth a large empty space.

You gave us your love in every way.

I love you more than I can say!

I miss you more and more each day!

Happy Father’s Day with Love, Dad!

Your loving daughter,

Jan (my nickname by Dad)

I wish all the fathers out there a wonderful Father’s Day!

Here is another poem I wrote several years ago – WHAT IS A FATHER?

What is a father?

He is someone whose lap you can crawl onto and take a nap.

He is someone who reads you a story at bedtime.

He is someone who listens to you when you need a friend.

He is someone who picks you up and gives you a much needed hug.

He is someone who will play catch with you after you receive a new glove.

He is someone who will laugh at your poor jokes and tell some funny ones of his own.

He is someone who gives you a pat on your back for a job well done.

He is someone who says ‘I love you’.

He is someone who will give you money for your first date.

He is someone who will let you take his car for a drive right after you get your license.

He is someone you can call when you get into trouble.

He is someone who will listen to you and never lose patience.

He is someone who will never judge you unfairly.

He is someone who has taught you the difference between right and wrong.

And he is someone who one day you will treasure beyond reason when he is gone.

Love and appreciate your father while he is here for life is too short not to.

Thank you so much for stopping by to read this post. Thank you also for your kind support of me, my books and blog and for all the reviews you had posted wherever my books are sold. Keep reading and I will keep writing. Take care!

Blessings & Hugs! Stay Safe, Stay Well and God Bless!


Janice Spina aka J.E. Spina

Award-Winning Author

Jemsbooks for All Ages!









About jjspina

Janice is a multi-award-winning author with 45 books: 22 children's books for PS-Gr 4, 12 middle-grade/preteen, two young adult books, all written by Janice Spina, and eight novels, and a short story collection written by J.E. Spina. She is also a writer of poetry, blogger, avid reader, reviewer, copy editor and supporter of her fellow authors. Janice has always loved writing and started young writing poetry, then stories. Her books have received 40 Book Awards and a few finalists awards. All Janice's books are available on Amazon.com, Kindle, B&N and other online book sites. Her hobbies are crocheting, sewing, walking to keep fit, hula hooping, tap dancing, going to dinner with her husband, and spending time with friends. Janice loves to hear from readers and appreciates reviews. Sign up on her blog http://jemsbooks.blog for updates of her books. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband who is her illustrator and cover creator.
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4 Responses to Happy Father’s Day!

  1. Darlene says:

    Very nice poem for a special dad.

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