If I didn’t write, what would I do?

I often think about this. If I didn’t write, what would I be doing now?

When I was young I used to think about many occupations – a nurse, a writer, a teacher and a singer. For a time I did enjoy the medical profession for a worked in a hospital for a summer as an admitting clerk and was all over the hospital delivering patients to their rooms after admitting them. It was interesting and inspired me to get a two-year degree in Secretarial Science/Medical Secretary. I worked as a medical secretary/medical assistant/contact lens assistant/assisted in minor surgery in office for seven years.

Compliments of IStock – Medical Secretery

I planned on being a teacher for a short time but then went into medical instead. As for a singer – well, that was never going to happen. I can carry a tune and did take part in a choral group, part of the Sweet Adolines International Group. I was a lead singer and loved it! I had to leave due to eye issues and driving at night. The eye issues are gone but driving at night is still an issue.

After I married and started a family I took several years off to raise my children and then went into the school system as a teacher’s aide which was the closest I got to actually being a teacher, and then as a secretary. I wrote continuously all during this time but never published any of my books until after I had retired. I began late in life getting serious about my writing but have not stopped since.

To get back to what I would be doing if I didn’t write. I don’t know. I love writing so much that I can’t see myself doing anything else. I do love to read and review books so maybe I would be doing that and Copyediting other authors’ books. I can’t get away from writing one way or the other.

With all my books online they are getting attention but not all wanted. I am pestered constantly by all the many calls, texts, messages I have been receiving lately from all kinds of representatives of publishing, advertising, etc. inquiring about my books and offering me all kinds of opportunities to promote, republish, advertise in stores, at book fairs, etc. It has been like a deluge which I can’t get away from no matter what I do. I have listened to many of them give me their spiel but at closure there is always a figure which is too large for me. Many of them are just looking for money which I do not want to give them. Have any of you received such calls, texts and messages? They are driving me crazy! Now I don’t answer any of them especially since my phone tells me that they are spam or possible spam.

If anyone needs to reach me, please know that I do not answer my calls but will listen to all messages and return legitimate calls. Thank you for understanding. I am still waiting to hear from Reese Witherspoon that she has chosen one of my books for her book club! Haha!

Even though I did not become a teacher or singer I feel like have done a little of both in my lifetime. Now that I am an author of books for all ages I am like a teacher with my books when I write for children teaching them important life lessons and good family values. One day I may record my singing voice and put it on my blog, maybe, maybe not. Who knows?

I guess what I do is what I was meant to do. God had a plan for me. I follow whatever HE wants me to do. I feel when I write, especially my angel series, that HE is moving my hands and helping me write my stories. I don’t know what I am going to write until I sit down and place my fingers on my laptop and they fly across the keys and tell a story. It is an exhilarating feeling being along for the ride and not knowing how the story will end. Watch for book 4 in the Branyrd the Angel Series coming later in 2024. What it is about will be a surprise to me too!

In the meantime I hope you will keep watch for Gateskin Chronicles Book 3: Search for the Medallion coming in May! Fingers crossed! I will keep writing, blogging, reading, reviewing, if you keep reading!

Thank you for stopping by to read this post and for your continued support. Please come back again soon.

Blessings & Hugs! Stay Safe, Stay Well and God Bless!


Janice Spina aka J.E. Spina

Award-Winning Author

Jemsbooks for All Ages!








About jjspina

Janice is a multi-award-winning author with 45 books: 22 children's books for PS-Gr 4, 12 middle-grade/preteen, two young adult books, all written by Janice Spina, and eight novels, and a short story collection written by J.E. Spina. She is also a writer of poetry, blogger, avid reader, reviewer, copy editor and supporter of her fellow authors. Janice has always loved writing and started young writing poetry, then stories. Her books have received 40 Book Awards and a few finalists awards. All Janice's books are available on Amazon.com, Kindle, B&N and other online book sites. Her hobbies are crocheting, sewing, walking to keep fit, hula hooping, tap dancing, going to dinner with her husband, and spending time with friends. Janice loves to hear from readers and appreciates reviews. Sign up on her blog http://jemsbooks.blog for updates of her books. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband who is her illustrator and cover creator.
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9 Responses to If I didn’t write, what would I do?

  1. gseddd2c31e1d4b says:

    Hi Janice, Thank you for your story. It sounds familiar, particular when you put your fingers on the keyboard and the story flies out of your fingers. That’s what happen to me and my books. All the best Gigi

    • jjspina says:

      Thank you, Gigi! Isn’t it exhilarating when you can write like that? It makes me feel alive! Love it!! 🥰

    • jjspina says:

      It’s a wonderful and exhilarating feeling to be taken on a ride without knowing where you are going or how it will end. Just saw your review on Amazon. Thank you so much!! Hugs x

      • gseddd2c31e1d4b says:

        Yes it is. What a beautiful day today. I am feeling so much better. I hope you like the review. Your Angel stories are great. Love Gigi

      • jjspina says:

        Thank you so much, Gigi! I will keep you in my prayers that you keep feeling better each day. Branyrd will pray for you too! Hugs x 🙏

  2. So may talents and dreams… but ONE calling, eh? 

  3. noelleg44 says:

    You found your muse and it was there all along, through out your life! I wish I had tried to write earlier but science is all consuming.

    • jjspina says:

      yes, life is that way. That is why I did not began more seriously sooner publishing my work but I was too busy also working and raising a family. Sigh! But it was all worth it and here I am doing it later in life. I will continue to write as long as God gives me the strength and muse to do so. Hugs x

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