What is your favorite Jemsbooks Children’s Book?

I hope you have a favorite children’s book in my collection of 22 books. I can tell you that the most popular children’s book of mine sold on Amazon is Jerry the Crabby Crayfish.

Jerry captivates young children and adults with its rhymic prose, colorful illustrations and important life lessons that children learn as they read or that are read to them.


Jerry is a crabby crayfish who all day long wishes he could be a fish. One day something happens in the fish tank that makes Jerry change his mind. Read about the valuable lesson Jerry learns.

Children love to read about real-life animals, their habitat, characteristics and what they eat. In this book I share my experience and photos of a real crayfish that we had as a pet in a fish tank. The real Jerry was indeed crabby and did a lot of the things that I mentioned in the book with a little embellishment.

It was fascinating to watch Jerry in action as he molted many times and stayed inside his shell to protect himself from the other inhabitants in the tank until he was stronger. We share photos of him and the cover is Jerry in action in his tank. He was every bit as beautiful as he appears in the cover. It was a sad day when he died. I was deepened saddened at his loss and had a difficult time explaining why Jerry was no longer in his tank to my grandchildren who came to love him too. We could never purchase another crayfish since then. They are no longer available.

Here are the life lessons your children will learn from my children’s books:

Louey the Lazy Elephant – Louey teaches children the importance of not being lazy and always listening to your mother.

Ricky the Rambunctious Raccoon – Ricky teaches children to always listen to their mother.

Jerry the Crabby Crayfish – Jerry teaches children that it is okay to be different, be the best you can be and be happy with who you are.

Lamby the Lonely Lamb – Lamby teaches children to accept differences and to be kind to others.

Jesse the Precocious Polar Bear – Jesse teaches children that friends are important, and mothers know best.

Broose the Moose on the Loose – Broose teaches children to be kind and accepting of others who are different than you are.

Sebastian Meets Marvin the Monkey – Sebastian teaches children how important it is to be kind to animals, that animals have feelings too like humans and deserve our respect.

Colby the Courageous Cat – Colby teaches children to love one another and take care of their siblings.

Jeffrey the Jittery Giraffe – Jeffrey teaches children to be brave and help others in need.

Clarence Henry the Hermit Crab – Clarence Henry teaches children to work hard and do the best you can do and be happy with who you are.

Lucy the Talented Toy Terrier – Lucy teaches children to be kind to pets, how important a pet can be and how much this pet loves us unconditionally.

The First Star – teaches children that love of family is more important than all the riches in the world.

Drystan the Dragon Series Book 1: Drystan and Durward Save the Day – Drystan demonstrates to children that being kind and helping others is important and the right thing to do.

Drystan the Dragon and Friends Series, Book 2: Damara Helps Drystan Find His Roar – Drystan demonstrates the importance of friendship, being kind to others and helping others in need.

Drystan the Dragon and Friends Series, Book 3 – Delbert Finds Himself – Drystan teaches Delbert, a shy dragon, the importance of loving yourself as you are and that all colors are beautiful!

Drystan the Dragon and Friends Series, Book 4: Delfina Solves a Problem – Delfina helps Drago love himself and teaches him to be kind to others.

Drystan the Dragon and Friends Series, Book 5: Drago Does a Good Deed – Drago finds a rabbit in need of his help. He learns that it is better to be kind to others.

Drystan the Dragon and Friends Series, Book 6: Dragana Helps a Fairy – Dragana helps a fairy who is injured and in need. She doesn’t hesitate to help in any way she can and goes above and beyond to help this fairy. Being kind and helping others is what Dragana learns.

Make Believe: Bedtime Stories for Children Book 1: These six stories promote good behavior, encourage children to be kind to others, friends are important, differences should be accepted, and we are all unique and special.

Make Believe is Fun: Bedtime Stories for Children Book 2: These six stories help children to realize the importance of friendship, family, helping others in need and that it’s okay to be different.

Make Believe Again: Bedtime Stories for Children Book 3: These six stories promote good behavior in children as they learn valuable life lessons to be kind to others in need, family and friends are important and it’s okay to be different.

Make Believe Once Again: Bedtime Stories for Children Book 4: These six stories promote good behavior in children as they learn to be kind to others, it’s okay to be different, family matters more than riches or being famous, friends are important, and be the best you can be.

I hope you will check out Jerry soon for your children to enjoy. They will learn many interesting things about a crayfish that they would never know otherwise. Happy reading!

Thank you so much for stopping by to read this post and for your continued support. Feel free to come back again soon. Remember: reviews are welcome and appreciated!

Blessings & Hugs! Stay Safe, Stay Well and God Bless!


Janice Spina aka J.E. Spina

Award-Winning Author

Jemsbooks for All Ages!








About jjspina

Janice is a multi-award-winning author with 45 books: 22 children's books for PS-Gr 4, 12 middle-grade/preteen, two young adult books, all written by Janice Spina, and eight novels, and a short story collection written by J.E. Spina. She is also a writer of poetry, blogger, avid reader, reviewer, copy editor and supporter of her fellow authors. Janice has always loved writing and started young writing poetry, then stories. Her books have received 40 Book Awards and a few finalists awards. All Janice's books are available on Amazon.com, Kindle, B&N and other online book sites. Her hobbies are crocheting, sewing, walking to keep fit, hula hooping, tap dancing, going to dinner with her husband, and spending time with friends. Janice loves to hear from readers and appreciates reviews. Sign up on her blog http://jemsbooks.blog for updates of her books. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband who is her illustrator and cover creator.
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